Import Gotadi SDK into an iOS Project
Use the SDK link above to add the library to your project via Swift Package Manager.
Build the project for the first time to import the GotadiSDK library.
Example Code to Initialize IOSGotadiSDK
import UIKit
import IOSGotadiSDK
class ViewController: UIViewController {
let gotadiSDK: IOSGotadiSDK = IOSGotadiSDK.shared
override func viewDidLoad() {
// Do any additional setup after loading the view.
//TODO: Call API authorize get Token from Gotadi
env: "uat",
partnername: "vib",
language: "en", token: "token", theme: "primary"))
//TODO: Handle action push to gotadi search book
@IBAction func gotoGotadiSearchBook(_ sender: Any) {
partnerViewController: self,
handlePayment: {[weak self] gotadiViewController, bookingNumber in
//TODO: Handle payment after checkout and receive bookingInfo
if let paymentViewController =
self?.storyboard?.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "PaymentViewController")
as? PaymentViewController {
paymentViewController.bookingNumberResult = bookingNumber
gotadiViewController.navigationController?.pushViewController(paymentViewController, animated: true)