Search API
Get airport list API
GET: /metasrv/api/_search/airports
Search for airports by relevant keywords or country/region codes Allows to sort the returned results
query (String, Optional)
Search keyword area / airport name (eg: SGN, Vietnam, Tokyo)
country (String, Optional)
Country/Region Code (Example: VN)
page (Integer, Optional)
Number of pages you want to get results (eg: 0)
size (Integer, Optional)
Number of results you want to get in 1 page (eg 20)
sort (String, Optional)
Sort the results by the value of the returned property ascending or descending (eg: propertiesName,desc / propertiesName,asc)
Array[AirportDTO] (Optional)
Return airport list information
id (Long, Optional)
Airport List Identifier
code (String, Optional)
Airport code
name (String, Optional)
Airport name
cityCode (String, Optional)
City symbol code
city (String, Optional)
City name
countryCode (String, Optional)
Country symbol code
country (String, Optional)
Country name
timeZone (Integer, Optional)
Time zone
location (String, Optional)
Location name
name2 (String, Optional)
English airport name (other name)
city2 (String, Optional)
English city name (other name)
Search flight ticket API
GET: /api/air-tickets/low-fare-search-async
Search for flights by departure and end points / by date and time
origin_code (String, Required)
Departure airport code Example: The airport in Ho Chi Minh has the code SGN
destination_code (String, Required)
Destination airport code Example, the airport in Hanoi has the code HAN .
departure_date (String, Required)
Departure day Format in MM-dd-YYYY Example: 07-07-2021
returnure_date (String, Required)
Return day Format in MM-dd-YYYY Example: 08-20-2021
cabin_class (String, Required)
Ticket class Pass the value as E
route_type (String, Optional)
Journey type: - Oneway: One-way - ROUNDTRIP: Round trip If not transmitted, the value is ONEWAY .
aduts_qtt (Integer, Optional)
Number of adult passengers (12 years old and above) Otherwise, the default value is 1 .
children_qtt (Integer, Optional)
Number of passengers who are children (from 2 years old and under 12 years old) Otherwise, the default value is 0
infant_qtt (Integer, Optional)
Number of passengers who are infants (under 2 years old) Otherwise, the default value is 0
time (String, Optional)
API Call Time (UnixTimeStamp) Example: 1625545845
key (String, Optional)
Key to checksum. How to create value:MAC-SHA256(, ‘Gotadi’)
include-equivfare (Boolean, Optional)
Request to pay additional ticketing fee information (EquivFare)
page (Integer, Optional)
Number of pages you want to get results (eg: 0)
size (Integer, Optional)
Number of results you want to get in 1 page (eg 20)
sort (String, Optional)
Sort the results by the value of the returned property ascending or descending (eg: propertiesName,desc / propertiesName,asc)
searchId(String, Required)
The reference code to the search for air tickets, taken from the search results for air tickets
departureSearchId(String, Required)
Reference code to search for flight tickets Retrieved from searchId
returnSearchId(String, Required)
Reference code to search for air tickets Derived from searchID combined with -R at the end
groupPricedItineraries (Array[GroupPricedItineraryDTO], Optional)
Information about the list of journeys returned by search results
airSupplier(String, Required)
Carriers (VietnamAirline - VNA, VjetJet - VJ, BamBoo - QH, …)
aircraft (String, Optional)
Type of aircraft (Airbus A330, Boeing 787, .....)
airline(String, Optional)
Airlines (VJ, VNA, …)
airlineName(String, Optional)
Name of airline (Vietjet Air, Vietnam Airlines, Bamboo, …)
arrivalDateTime(String, Required)
Arrival date and time, using UTC/GMT+7 time zone
departureDateTime (String, Required)
Split flight time, using UTC/GMT+7 time zone
destinationLocationCode (String, Optional)
Flight end city code
destinationCountry(String, Optional)
The name of the country where the flight ended
destinationCountryCode (String, Optional)
Flight end country code
destinationCity(String, Optional)
The name of the city where the flight ends
destinationLocationName (String, Optional)
Airport name where the flight ends
flightNo(String, Optional)
Airplane number
flightNo(String, Optional)
Airplane number
flightType(String, Optional)
Type of flight domestic or international DOMESTIC: domestic INTERNATIONAL: international
groupId(String, Required)
Journey identifier in the list of journeys returned by search results
originCity(String, Optional)
City name at departure point
originCountry(String, Optional)
Country name at departure point
originCountryCode(String, Optional)
Country code at departure point
originLocationCode(String, Optional)
Flight departure city code
originLocationName(String, Optional)
Airport name at departure point
totalPricedItinerary (Integer, Required)
Total number of detailed journeys
pricedItineraries (Array[PricedItineraries], Required)
Itinerary details
airItineraryPricingInfo (AirItineraryPricingInfo, Required)
Detailed price information of the itinerary
adultFare (FareBreakdown, Required)
passengerFare (PassengerFare, Required)
Adult fare information
baseFare(FareInfo, required)
Basic fare information
amount (Double, Required)
Amount of money
decimalPlaces(Integer, Optional)
Decimal places rounded to
equivFare (FareInfo, Optional)
Similar to baseFare Ticketing fee information
serviceTax (FareInfo, Required)
Similar to baseFare Service fee information
totalFare (FareInfo, Required)
Similar to baseFare Total ticket price information
surcharges (Array[Surcharge], Required)
Information about surcharges per booking / per segment
passengerTypeQuantities (PassengerTypeQuantities, Optional)
Number/type of passengers
code(String, Required)
Adult/Child/Infant Identifier Includes: ADT - adult / CHD - child / INF - infant
quantity (Integer, Required)
Number of adults / children / infants
childFare(PassengerFare, Optional)
Child fare information Similar to adult fare information
infantFare (PassengerFare, Optional)
Infant fare information Similar to adult fare information
itinTotalFare (PassengerFare, Required)
Total fare information of the journey Similar to adult fare information
fareSourceCode(String, Required)
Journey identifier information Used to get ticket condition information
allowHold (Boolean, Required)
Information to allow to hold a reservation or not
cabinClassName(String, Required)
Seat class information: ECONOMY - universal seat PREMIUM - special economy seat BUSINESS - business chair
fightNo(String, Optional)
Displays aircraft number information
originDestinationOptions (Array(OriginDestinationOptions), Required)
Cruise’s blocking/stopping information
flightDirection(String, Required)
Show flight direction information of the journey D - departure direction R - return direction
journeyDuration (Integer, Required)
Show flight time
flightSegments (Array(FlightSegments), Required)
Show detailed information of departure / end points in the journey
page (AirPage, Required)
Object that describes information about pagination. Sequence number of each page returned, element of each page, total number of pages
duration(Integer, Optional),
errors (Array[Error], Optional)
infos(Array[Info], Optional)
success(Boolean, Optional)
textMessage(String, Optional)
Get filter list information API
POST: /api/air-tickets/filter-options
Get a list of values that can be applied on the filter on the search results
Request Body
searchId (String, Required)
Data used to refer to search results This data is taken from the return results of airline ticket search
departureItinerary (AirItineraryInfo, Optional)
Outbound ticket information in case of getting filter-options for return ticket
airlineCode (String, Required)
VN: Vietnam Airlines VJ: VietJet QH: Bamboo BL: Pacific Airlines…
groupId (String, Required)
Journey identifier in the list of journeys returned by search results
fareSourceCode (String, Required)
Journey identifier information
supplierCode (String, Required)
The company code is also provided
searchId (String, Required)
Data used to refer to search results
searchId(String, Required)
The reference code to the search for air tickets, taken from the search results for air tickets
itineraryFilter (ItineraryFilter, Required)
Information representing applicable values on search filter results
airlineOptions (Array[String], Optional)
Information showing airlines with the lowest fares
cabinClassOptions (Array[String], Optional)
Information showing current seat class
stopOptions (Array[String], Optional)
Information showing current stop
filterToPrice (Double, Optional)
Information showing the current highest ticket price
filterFromPrice (Double, Optional)
Information showing the current lowest fares
duration (Integer, Optional),
errors (Array[Error], Optional),
infos (Array[Info], Optional),
success (Boolean, Optional),
textMessage (String, Optional)
Filter/sort flight search results API
POST: /api/air-tickets/filter-availability
Filter and sort flight search results
include-equivfare (Boolean, Optional)
Request to pay more ticketing fee information
page (Integer, Optional)
Number of pages you want to get results (eg: 0)
size (Integer, Optional)
Number of results you want to get in 1 page (eg: 20)
sort(String, Optional)
Sort the results by the value of the returned property ascending or descending (eg: propertiesName,desc / propertiesName,asc)
Request Body
searchId(String, Required)
Data used to refer to search results This data is taken from the return results of airline ticket search
departureItinerary (AirItineraryInfo, Optional)
Outbound ticket information in case of getting filter-availability for return ticket
airlineCode (String, Required)
VN: Vietnam Airlines VJ: VietJet QH: Bamboo BL: Pacific Airlines…
groupId(String, Optional)
Journey identifier in the list of journeys returned by search results
fareSourceCode(String, Required)
Journey identifier information
supplierCode(String, Required)
The company code is also provided
searchId(String, Required)
Data used to refer to search results
filter (ItineraryFilter, Required)
Used to input the desired filtering and sorting criteria
cabinClassOptions(Array[String], Optional)
Information about the seat class you want to filter and sort
step(String, Required)
Information used to distinguish between departure and return 1: Departure direction 2: Return direction
flightType(String, Required)
Flight type information DOMESTIC: domestic INTERNATIONAL: international
stopOption(Array[String], Optional)
Stop Information
airlineOptions(Array[String], Optional)
Airline information
departureDateTimeOptions (Array[String], Optional)
Information about departure time starts at around or at what time Ex: departureDateTimeOptions: [“+18”, “+12-18”] +18: from 18h to 24h +12-18: from 12pm to 6pm
arrivalDateTimeReturnOptions (Array[String], Optional)
The end time information starts at what time or interval Ex: arrivalDateTimeReturnOptions: [“+18”, “+12-18”] +18: from 18h to 24h +12-18: from 12pm to 6pm
searchId(String, Required)
The reference code to the search for air tickets, taken from the search results for air tickets
groupPricedItineraries (Array[GroupPricedItineraryDTO], Optional)
Information about the list of journeys returned by search results
airSupplier(String, Required)
Carriers (VietnamAirline - VNA, VjetJet - VJ, BamBoo - QH, …)
aircraft (String, Optional)
Type of aircraft (Airbus A330, Boeing 787, .....)
airline (String, Optional)
Airlines (VJ, VNA, …)
airlineName (String, Optional)
Name of airline (Vietjet Air, Vietnam Airlines, Bamboo, …)
arrivalDateTime (String, Required)
Arrival date and time, using UTC/GMT+7 time zone
departureDateTime (String, Required)
Split flight time, using UTC/GMT+7 time zone
destinationLocationCode (String, Optional)
Flight end city code
destinationCountry (String, Optional)
The name of the country where the flight ended
destinationCountryCode (String, Optional)
Flight end country code
destinationCity (String, Optional)
The name of the city where the flight ends
destinationLocationName (String, Optional)
Airport name where the flight ends
flightNo (String, Optional)
Airplane number
flightNo (String, Optional)
Airplane number
flightType (String, Optional)
Type of flight domestic or international? Flight type: DOMESTIC: domestic INTERNATIONAL: international
groupId(String, Required)
Journey identifier in the list of journeys returned by search results
originCity(String, Optional)
City name at departure point
originCountry(String, Optional)
Country name at departure point
originCountryCode(String, Optional)
Country code at departure point
originLocationCode(String, Optional)
Flight departure city code
originLocationName(String, Optional)
Airport name at departure point
totalPricedItinerary (Integer, Required)
Total number of detailed journeys
pricedItineraries (Array[PricedItineraries], Required)
Itinerary details
airItineraryPricingInfo (AirItineraryPricingInfo, Required)
Detailed price information of the itinerary
adultFare (FareBreakdown, Required)
passengerFare (PassengerFare, Required)
Adult fare information
baseFare(FareInfo, required)
Basic fare information
amount (Double, Required)
Amount of money
decimalPlaces(Integer, Optional)
Decimal places rounded to
equivFare (FareInfo, Optional)
Similar to baseFare Ticketing fee information
serviceTax (FareInfo, Required)
Similar to baseFare Service fee information
totalFare (FareInfo, Required)
Similar to baseFare Total ticket price information
surcharges (Array[Surcharge], Required)
Information about surcharges per booking / per segment
passengerTypeQuantities (PassengerTypeQuantities, Optional)
Number/type of passengers
code(String, Required)
Adult/Child/Infant Identifier Includes: ADT - adult / CHD - child / INF - infant
quantity (Integer, Required)
Number of adults / children / infants
childFare(PassengerFare, Optional)
Child fare information Similar to adult fare information
infantFare (PassengerFare, Optional)
Infant fare information Similar to adult fare information
itinTotalFare (PassengerFare, Required)
Total fare information of the journey Similar to adult fare information
fareSourceCode(String, Required)
Journey identifier information Used to get ticket condition information
allowHold (Boolean, Required)
Information to allow to hold a reservation or not
cabinClassName(String, Required)
Seat class information: ECONOMY - universal seat PREMIUM - special economy seat BUSINESS - business chair
fightNo(String, Optional)
Displays aircraft number information
originDestinationOptions (Array(OriginDestinationOptions), Required)
Cruise’s blocking/stopping information
flightDirection(String, Required)
Show flight direction information of the journey D - departure direction R - return direction
journeyDuration (Integer, Required)
Show flight time
flightSegments (Array(FlightSegments), Required)
Show detailed information of departure / end points in the journey
page (AirPage, Required)
Object that describes information about pagination. Sequence number of each page returned, element of each page, total number of pages
duration(Integer, Optional),
errors (Array[Error], Optional)
infos(Array[Info], Optional)
success(Boolean, Optional)
textMessage(String, Optional)
Get the list of tickets open for sale on a flight API
POST: /api/air-tickets/group-itinerary/{id}
Get a list of tickets available for sale on a specific flight
id path (String, Required)
Used to refer to the list of tickets available for sale on a flight
include-equivfare (Boolean, Optional)
Request to pay more ticketing fee information
page (Integer, Optional)
Number of pages you want to get results (eg: 0)
size (Integer, Optional)
Number of results you want to get in 1 page (eg 20)
sort (String, Optional)
Sort the results by the value of the returned property ascending or descending (eg: propertiesName,desc / propertiesName,asc)
Request Body
searchId(String, Required)
Data used to refer to search results This data is taken from the return results of airline ticket search
departureItinerary (AirItineraryInfo, Optional)
Outbound ticket information in case of getting filter-availability for return ticket
airlineCode(String, Required)
VN: Vietnam Airlines VJ: VietJet QH: Bamboo BL: Pacific Airlines…
groupId(String, Optional)
Journey identifier in the list of journeys returned by search results
fareSourceCode(String, Required)
Journey identifier information
supplierCode(String, Required)
The company code is also provided
searchId(String, Required)
Data used to refer to search results
filter (ItineraryFilter, Required)
Used to input the desired filtering and sorting criteria
cabinClassOptions(Array[String], Optional)
Information about the seat class you want to filter and sort
step(String, Required)
Information used to distinguish between departure and return 1: Departure direction 2: Return direction
flightType(String, Required)
Flight type information DOMESTIC: domestic INTERNATIONAL: international
stopOption(Array[String], Optional)
Stop Information
airlineOptions(Array[String], Optional)
Airline information
departureDateTimeOptions (Array[String], Optional)
Information about departure time starts at around or at what time Ex: departureDateTimeOptions: [“+18”, “+12-18”] +18: from 18h to 24h +12-18: from 12pm to 6pm
arrivalDateTimeReturnOptions (Array[String], Optional)
The end time information starts at what time or interval Ex: arrivalDateTimeReturnOptions: [“+18”, “+12-18”] +18: from 18h to 24h +12-18: from 12pm to 6pm
groupId(String, Required)
Itinerary identifier in the itinerary list retrieved from the search results
searchId(String, Required)
The reference code to the search for air tickets, taken from the search results for air tickets
groupPricedItineraries (Array[GroupPricedItineraryDTO], Optional)
Information about the list of journeys returned by search results
airSupplier(String, Required)
Carriers (VietnamAirline - VNA, VjetJet - VJ, BamBoo - QH, …)
aircraft (String, Optional)
Type of aircraft (Airbus A330, Boeing 787, .....)
airline(String, Optional)
Airlines (VJ, VNA, …)
airlineName(String, Optional)
Name of airline (Vietjet Air, Vietnam Airlines, Bamboo, …)
arrivalDateTime(String, Required)
Arrival date and time, using UTC/GMT+7 time zone
departureDateTime (String, Required)
Split flight time, using UTC/GMT+7 time zone
destinationLocationCode (String, Optional)
Flight end city code
destinationCountry(String, Optional)
The name of the country where the flight ended
destinationCountryCode (String, Optional)
Flight end country code
destinationCity(String, Optional)
The name of the city where the flight ends
destinationLocationName (String, Optional)
Airport name where the flight ends
flightNo(String, Optional)
Airplane number
flightNo(String, Optional)
Airplane number
flightType(String, Optional)
Type of flight domestic or international? Flight type: DOMESTIC: domestic INTERNATIONAL: international
groupId(String, Required)
Journey identifier in the list of journeys returned by search results
originCity(String, Optional)
City name at departure point
originCountry(String, Optional)
Country name at departure point
originCountryCode(String, Optional)
Country code at departure point
originLocationCode(String, Optional)
Flight departure city code
originLocationName(String, Optional)
Airport name at departure point
totalPricedItinerary (Integer, Required)
Total number of detailed journeys
pricedItineraries (Array[PricedItineraries], Required)
Itinerary details
airItineraryPricingInfo (AirItineraryPricingInfo, Required)
Detailed price information of the itinerary
adultFare (FareBreakdown, Required)
passengerFare (PassengerFare, Required)
Adult fare information
baseFare(FareInfo, required)
Basic fare information
amount (Double, Required)
Amount of money
decimalPlaces(Integer, Optional)
Decimal places rounded to
equivFare (FareInfo, Optional)
Similar to baseFare Ticketing fee information
serviceTax (FareInfo, Required)
Similar to baseFare Service fee information
totalFare (FareInfo, Required)
Similar to baseFare Total ticket price information
surcharges (Array[Surcharge], Required)
Information about surcharges per booking / per segment
passengerTypeQuantities (PassengerTypeQuantities, Optional)
Number/type of passengers
code(String, Required)
Adult/Child/Infant Identifier Includes: ADT - adult / CHD - child / INF - infant
quantity (Integer, Required)
Number of adults / children / infants
childFare(PassengerFare, Optional)
Child fare information Similar to adult fare information
infantFare (PassengerFare, Optional)
Infant fare information Similar to adult fare information
itinTotalFare (PassengerFare, Required)
Total fare information of the journey Similar to adult fare information
fareSourceCode(String, Required)
Journey identifier information Used to get ticket condition information
allowHold (Boolean, Required)
Information to allow to hold a reservation or not
cabinClassName(String, Required)
Seat class information: ECONOMY - universal seat PREMIUM - special economy seat BUSINESS - business chair
fightNo(String, Optional)
Displays aircraft number information
originDestinationOptions (Array(OriginDestinationOptions), Required)
Cruise’s blocking/stopping information
flightDirection(String, Required)
Show flight direction information of the journey D - departure direction R - return direction
journeyDuration (Integer, Required)
Show flight time
flightSegments (Array(FlightSegments), Required)
Show detailed information of departure / end points in the journey
page (AirPage, Required)
Object that describes information about pagination. Sequence number of each page returned, element of each page, total number of pages
duration(Integer, Optional),
errors (Array[Error], Optional)
infos(Array[Info], Optional)
success(Boolean, Optional)
textMessage(String, Optional)