Booking API

Ticket Status Check API

POST: /api/air-tickets/revalidate

Check ticket availability before booking

Request Body


searchId(String, Required)

Data used to refer to search results

This data is taken from the return results of airline ticket search

groupId(String, Required)

Journey identifier in the list of journeys returned by search results

fareSourceCode(String, Required)

Journey identifier information


        "fareSourceCode": "dom07b2da7b-3232-4294-9278-b35fb6307714",
        "groupId": "27b091a7-62b8-4ce2-b45b-eda3340d7673",
        "searchId": "ATD::210720::dc96e1a9-c39e-4f48-974e-e0be6abb45c7"



valid(Boolean, Required)

Is the ticket information still useful?

duration(Integer, Optional)

errors (Array[Error], Optional)

infos(Array[Info], Optional)

success(Boolean, Optional)

textMessage(String, Optional)


    "duration" : 858,
    "errors" : null,
    "infos" : null,
    "itinerary" : null,
    "success" : true,
    "textMessage" : null,
    "valid" : true

Create draft booking API

POST: /api/air-tickets/draft-booking

Create draft booking with ticket info

Request Body


itineraryInfos (Array[ItineraryInfo], Required)

Outbound + return journey information (if any)

searchId(String, Required)

Data used to refer to search results

This data is taken from the return results of airline ticket search

groupId(String, Required)

Journey identifier in the list of journeys returned by search results

fareSourceCode(String, Required)

Journey identifier information


        "itineraryInfos": [
                "fareSourceCode": "dom07b2da7b-3232-4294-9278-b35fb6307714",
                "groupId": "27b091a7-62b8-4ce2-b45b-eda3340d7673",
                "searchId": "ATD::210720::dc96e1a9-c39e-4f48-974e-e0be6abb45c7"
                "fareSourceCode": "domb771ff7f-57b5-4bd5-9443-e43b79f61aaa",
                "groupId": "8ceaa3c5-bbcf-451a-95ae-cd0a81e60993",
                "searchId": "ATD::210720::dc96e1a9-c39e-4f48-974e-e0be6abb45c7-R"



bookingCode (BookingCode, Required)

Booking identifier information

bookingCode(String, Required)

Booking Identifier

bookingNumber(String, Required)

Code used to refer to booking. This code is unique.

bookingType(String, Required)

Information showing the type of booking: Domestic or international

DOME: Domestic

INTE: International

departDraftItineraryInfo (DraftItineraryInfo, Required)

Outbound itinerary information

bookingDirection(String, Required)

Direction information

DEPARTURE: Departure direction

RETURN: Return direction

TRIP: Used for international tickets (outbound + return)

fareSourceCode(String, Required)

Journey identifier information

groupId(String, Required)

Journey identifier in the list of journeys returned by search results

itinTotalFare (ItinTotalFare, Required)

Information about the prices of the journey

baseFare(FareInfo, required)

Basic fare information

amount (Double, Required)

Amount of money

decimalPlaces(Integer, Optional)

Decimal places rounded to

equivFare (FareInfo, Optional)

Similar to baseFare

Ticketing fee information

serviceTax (FareInfo, Required)

Similar to baseFare

Service fee information

totalTax (FareInfo, Required)

Similar to baseFare

Information about total service fee

totalFare (FareInfo, Required)

Similar to baseFare

Total ticket price information

returnDraftItineraryInfo (DraftItineraryInfo, Optional)

Similar to the detailed information of the outbound journey

Return journey information

duration(Integer, Optional)

errors (Array[Error], Optional)

infos(Array[Info], Optional)

success(Boolean, Optional)

textMessage(String, Optional)


        "bookingCode": {
            "bookingCode": "BOD::210720::b87fd70e-4a9b-4532-9cb6-7d8142822ac3",
            "bookingNumber": "ADCO2107201223803"
        "bookingType": "DOME",
        "departDraftItineraryInfo": {
            "bookingDirection": "DEPARTURE",
            "fareSourceCode": "dom07b2da7b-3232-4294-9278-b35fb6307714",
            "groupId": "27b091a7-62b8-4ce2-b45b-eda3340d7673",
            "itinTotalFare": {
            "baseFare": {
                "amount": 399000,
                "currencyCode": null,
                "decimalPlaces": 2
            "comboMarkup": null,
            "equivFare": {
                "amount": 0,
                "currencyCode": null,
                "decimalPlaces": 2
            "serviceTax": {
                "amount": 512000,
                "currencyCode": null,
                "decimalPlaces": 2
            "totalFare": {
                "amount": 911000,
                "currencyCode": null,
                "decimalPlaces": 2
            "totalPaxFee": null,
            "totalTax": {
                "amount": 0,
                "currencyCode": null,
                "decimalPlaces": 2
            "searchId": "ATD::210720::dc96e1a9-c39e-4f48-974e-e0be6abb45c7"
        "duration": 3498,
        "errors": null,
        "infos": null,
        "isPerBookingType": true,
        "isRoundTripType": true,
        "isSuccess": true,
        "markupType": "PER_BOOKING",
        "returnDraftItineraryInfo": {
            "bookingDirection": "RETURN",
            "fareSourceCode": "domb771ff7f-57b5-4bd5-9443-e43b79f61aaa",
            "groupId": "8ceaa3c5-bbcf-451a-95ae-cd0a81e60993",
            "itinTotalFare": {
            "baseFare": {
                "amount": 1319000,
                "currencyCode": null,
                "decimalPlaces": 2
            "comboMarkup": null,
            "equivFare": null,
            "serviceTax": {
                "amount": 350900,
                "currencyCode": null,
                "decimalPlaces": 2
            "totalFare": {
                "amount": 1669900,
                "currencyCode": null,
                "decimalPlaces": 2
            "totalPaxFee": null,
            "totalTax": {
                "amount": 0,
                "currencyCode": null,
                "decimalPlaces": 2
            "searchId": "ATD::210720::dc96e1a9-c39e-4f48-974e-e0be6abb45c7-R"
        "roundType": "RoundTrip",
        "success": true,
        "textMessage": null

Get booking detail API

GET: /api/products/booking-detail

Get details of booking



bookingNumber (String, Required)

Reference code to booking





id (String, Optional)

Booking identifier code

agencyCode (String, Optional)

Agent code. Code used to refer to the author of the booking

agentCode (String, Optional)

Agent employee code. Code used to refer to the author of the booking

bookingCode(String, Required)

Code used to describe basic information of booking

bookingDate (String, Optional)

Create booking date

bookingDirection(String, Required)

Direction information

DEPARTURE: Departure direction

RETURN: Return direction

TRIP: Used for international tickets (outbound + return)

bookingInfo (BookingInfo, Optional)

Booking information

additionalFee (Number, Optional)

Other fees

agencyCode(String, Optional)

Dealer code. Code used to refer to the author of the booking

agentCode(String, Optional)

Agent employee code. Code used to refer to the author of the booking

agentId(Integer, Optional)

Agent employee id

agentName(String, Optional)

Agent staff name

allowHold(Boolean, Optional)

Is it allowed to keep the plane ticket?

true: allow to keep tickets

false: Not allowed to keep tickets

itinTotalFare (ItinTotalFare, Required)

Information about the prices of the journey

baseFare(Number, Optional)

Basic fare information

bookBy(String, Optional)

The person who booked the booking

bookByCode(String, Optional)

Orderer code

bookingCode(String, Optional)

Code used to describe basic information of booking

bookingDate(String, Optional)

Booking creation date

bookingNote(String, Optional)

Notes of booking

bookingNumber(String, Optional)

Code used to refer to booking. This code is unique.

bookingType(String, Optional) = [‘DOME’, ‘INTE’]

Determine whether the destination is domestic or international

DOME: Domestic

INTE: International

branchCode(String, Optional)

Branch code

cancellationBy(String, Optional)

Ticket cancellation by…

cancellationDate(String, Optional)

Cancellation date

cancellationFee(Number, Optional)

Cancellation fee

cancellationNotes(String, Optional)

Cancellation Notes

channelType(String, Optional) = [‘ONLINE’, ‘OFFLINE’]

Booking channel type

contactInfos(Array[BookingContactInfo], Optional)

Array of objects with contact information

bookingNumber(String, Optional)

Reference code to booking

contactLevel(String, Optional) = [‘PRIMARY’, ‘SECONDARY’, ‘OTHER’],

Level of contact

contactType(String, Optional) = [‘CUSTOMER’, ‘AGENCY’]

Type of contact person

email(String, Optional)

Email address

firstName(String, Optional)

Night name and contact name

phoneCode1(String, Optional)

Country code

phoneNumber1(String, Optional)

Phone number 1

surName(String, Optional)

Contact person’s last name

customerCode(String, Optional)

Customer’s code

customerEmail(String, Optional)

Customer’s email

customerFirstName(String, Optional)

Client’s last name

customerId(Integer, Optional)

Customer id

customerLastName(String, Optional)

Customer’s name

customerPhoneNumber1(String, Optional)

Customer’s phone number 1

customerPhoneNumber2(String, Optional)

Customer’s phone number 2

departureDate(String, Optional)

Departure day

discountAmount (Number, Optional)

Amount to be reduced

discountDate(String, Optional)

Date to use discount code

discountRedeemCode(String, Optional)

Redemption Link Code

discountRedeemId(String, Optional)

Normal link identifier id

discountVoucherCode(String, Optional)

Voucher code

discountVoucherName(String, Optional)

Name of the voucher

equivFare (FareInfo, Optional)

Similar to baseFare

Ticketing fee information

etickets(String, Optional)

Supplier link code, used to receive air tickets

fromCity(String, Optional)

Departure city name

fromLocationCode(String, Optional),

Departure Airport Identifier

fromLocationName(String, Optional),

Departure airport name

id(integer, Optional),

Id of booking

issuedByCode(String, Optional),

Tickets issued by…

issuedDate(String, Optional)

Check-out date

issuedStatus(String, Optional) = [‘PENDING’, ‘TICKET_ON_PROCESS’, ‘SUCCEEDED’, ‘FAILED’],

Ticketing Status

PENDING: Waiting to issue tickets

TICKET_ON_PROCESS: Ticket issue is being processed

SUCCEEDED: Successfully issued tickets

FAILED: Ticket issue failed

orgCode (String, Optional)

Organization code

passengerNameRecords(String, Optional)

Supplier link code, used to receive air tickets

paymentBy(String, Optional)

Paid by…

paymentByCode(String, Optional)

Payer code

paymentDate(String, Optional)

Payment time

paymentFee (Number, Optional)

Payment Fees

paymentRefNumber(String, Optional)

Payment reference code

paymentStatus(String, Optional) = [‘SUCCEEDED’, ‘FAILED’, ‘REFUNDED’, ‘PENDING’],

Payment Status

PENDING: Waiting for payment

SUCCEEDED: Successful payment

FAILED: Payment failed


paymentTotalAmount(Number, Optional)

Total payment amount

paymentType(String, Optional) = [‘BALANCE’, ‘CREDIT’, ‘ATM_DEBIT’, ‘AIRPAY’, ‘VNPAYQR’, ‘VIETTELPAY’, ‘MOMO’, ‘ZALO’, ‘PAYOO’, ‘CASH’, ‘TRANSFER ‘, ‘PARTNER’, ‘OTHER’],

Payment method

refundBy(String, Optional)


refundByCode(String, Optional),

Code of the person making the refund

refundable (Boolean, Optional)

Refund date

returnDate(String, Optional)

Check-out date

roundType(String, Optional) = [‘RoundTrip]

saleChannel(String, Optional) = [‘B2B’, ‘B2C’, ‘B2B2C’, ‘B2C_WEB’, ‘B2C_WEB_APP’, ‘B2C_MOBILE’]

Distribution channel

serviceTax(Number, Optional)

Taxes and fees

status (String, Optional) = [‘PENDING’, ‘BOOKING_ON_PROCESS’, ‘BOOKED’, ‘FAILED’, ‘CANCELLED’, ‘EXPIRED’],

Status of booking

PENDING: Waiting for booking confirmation

BOOKING_ON_PROCESS: Booking is being processed

BOOKED: Booking confirmed

FAILED: Booking failed

EXPIRED: Expired Booking

CANCELLED: Booking has been canceled

supplierType(String, Optional) = [‘AIR’, ‘HOTEL’, ‘TOURS’, ‘TRAIN’, ‘SHIP’, ‘OTHER’],

Supplier Type

taxAddress1(String, Optional)

Invoicing address line 1

taxAddress2(String, Optional)

Invoicing address line 2

taxCompanyName(String, Optional)

Invoice company name

taxNumber (String, Optional)

Tax code to be invoiced

taxPersonalInfoContact(String, Optional)

Invoice recipients

taxReceiptRequest(Boolean, Optional)

Request an invoice or not?

timeToLive(String, Optional)

Waiting time for payment, after this time booking status will change to EXPIRED

toCity(String, Optional)

Name of destination province, city

toLocationCode(String, Optional)

Destination Identifier

toLocationName(String, Optional)

Destination airport name

totalFare(Number, Optional)

Total room rate

totalSsrValue(Number, Optional)

Total price of luggage/extra service

totalTax(Number, Optional)

Total amount of taxes and fees

transactionInfos(Array[BookingTransactionInfo], Optional)

Array of objects containing transaction information

id(integer, Optional)

Transaction identifier id

allowHold(Boolean, Optional)

Is it allowed to keep tickets?

bookingCode(String, Optional)

Code used to describe basic information of booking

bookingDate(String, Optional)

Booking creation date

bookingDirection(String, Optional) = [‘DEPARTURE’, ‘RETURN’]

bookingNumber(String, Optional)

Code used to refer to booking.

bookingRefNo(String, Optional)

Supplier link code

channelType(String, Optional) = [‘ONLINE’, ‘OFFLINE’]

Type of sales channel

checkIn(String, Optional)

Flight date and time

checkOut(String, Optional)

Time and date come

destinationLocationCode(String, Optional)

Stadium Identifier

detail(String, Optional)

Location name

etickets(String, Optional)

Vendor affiliate code, used to receive tickets

issuedDate(String, Optional)

Ticket issue date

issuedStatus(String, Optional) = [‘PENDING’, ‘TICKET_ON_PROCESS’, ‘SUCCEEDED’, ‘FAILED’]

Ticketing Status

PENDING: Waiting to issue tickets

TICKET_ON_PROCESS: Ticket issue is being processed

SUCCEEDED: Successfully issued tickets

FAILED: Ticket issue failed

noAdult(integer, Optional)

Number of adults

noChild(integer, Optional)

Number of children

onlyPayLater(Boolean, Optional)

Postpaid or not allowed?

passengerNameRecord(String, Optional),

Vendor affiliate code, used to receive tickets

paymentAmount(Number, Optional)

Payment amount

productSeqNumber(String, Optional)

Product code

refundable (Boolean, Optional)

Is there a refund for ticket cancellation?

saleChannel(String, Optional) = [‘B2B’, ‘B2C’, ‘B2B2C’, ‘B2C_WEB’, ‘B2C_WEB_APP’, ‘B2C_MOBILE’]

Distribution channel

serviceTax(Number, Optional)

Taxes and fees

status (String, Optional) = [‘PENDING’, ‘BOOKING_ON_PROCESS’, ‘BOOKED’, ‘FAILED’, ‘CANCELLED’, ‘EXPIRED’],

Status of booking

PENDING: Waiting for booking confirmation

BOOKING_ON_PROCESS: Booking is being processed

BOOKED: Booking confirmed

FAILED: Booking failed

EXPIRED: Expired Booking

CANCELLED: Booking has been canceled

supplierCode(String, Optional)

Supplier code

supplierName(String, Optional)

Supplier Name

supplierType(String, Optional) = [‘AIR’, ‘HOTEL’, ‘TOURS’, ‘TRAIN’, ‘SHIP’, ‘OTHER’]

Product Type

totalFare(Number, Optional)

Total fare

totalTax(Number, Optional)

Total taxes and fees

baseFare(Number, Optional)

Ticket price does not include taxes

travelerInfos(Array[BookingTravelerInfo], Optional)

Array of objects containing passenger information.


Reference code to booking


Night name and passenger name


Passenger’s surname

bookingNumber(String, Optional)

Code used to refer to booking. This code is unique.

bookingType(String, Optional)

Determine whether the destination is domestic or international

DOME: Domestic

INTE: International

branchCode(String, Optional)

Branch code

groupPricedItineraries (Array[GroupPricedItinerary], Optional),

Information about the list of journeys returned by search results

Similar to getting flight ticket search information

OrgCode(String, Optional)

Organization code

saleChannel(String, Optional) = [‘B2B’, ‘B2C’, ‘B2B2C’, ‘B2C_WEB’, ‘B2C_WEB_APP’, ‘B2C_MOBILE’],

Distribution channel

supplierType(String, Optional) = [‘AIR’, ‘HOTEL’, ‘TOURS’, ‘TRAIN’, ‘SHIP’, ‘OTHER’],

Supplier Type


        "id": "BOD::210720::157f1341-5a66-4b0e-a6fb-a2d39b99dfdf",
        "updatedDate": "2021-07-20T07:11:49.524Z",
        "cacheType": "COMBO",
        "orgCode": "A::1",
        "agencyCode": "A::1",
        "branchCode": null,
        "saleChannel": "B2C_WEB",
        "channelType": "ONLINE",
        "supplierType": "AIR",
        "bookingCode": "BOD::210720::157f1341-5a66-4b0e-a6fb-a2d39b99dfdf",
        "bookingType": "DOME",
        "agentCode": null,
        "customerCode": "C::A::1|-1",
        "bookingNumber": "ADCO2107201223969",
        "bookingDate": "2021-07-20T07:11:49.52Z",
        "markupType": "PER_BOOKING",
        "bookingInfo": {
            "id": 1223969,
            "orgCode": "A::1",
            "agencyCode": "A::1",
            "saleChannel": "B2C_WEB",
            "channelType": "ONLINE",
            "supplierType": "AIR",
            "bookingCode": "BOD::210720::157f1341-5a66-4b0e-a6fb-a2d39b99dfdf",
            "bookingType": "DOME",
            "agentCode": null,
            "agentId": null,
            "agentName": null,
            "branchCode": null,
            "customerCode": "C::A::1|-1",
            "customerId": -1,
            "bookingNumber": "ADCO2107201223969",
            "roundType": "RoundTrip",
            "fromLocationCode": "HAN",
            "fromLocationName": "Sân bay Nội Bài",
            "fromCity": "Hà Nội",
            "toLocationCode": "SGN",
            "toLocationName": "Sân bay Tân Sơn Nhất",
            "toCity": "Hồ Chí Minh",
            "status": "PENDING",
            "bookingDate": "2021-07-20T07:11:49.52Z",
            "departureDate": "2021-08-16T05:10:00Z",
            "returnDate": "2021-08-24T05:25:00Z",
            "baseFare": 2638000,
            "equivFare": 0,
            "serviceTax": 701800,
            "vat": null,
            "totalFare": 3339800,
            "totalTax": 701800,
            "agencyMarkupValue": 0,
            "markupValue": 0,
            "totalSsrValue": 0,
            "totalCombo": null,
            "paymentTotalAmount": 0,
            "paymentFee": 0,
            "paymentType": "OTHER",
            "paymentStatus": "PENDING",
            "paymentDate": null,
            "paymentRefNumber": null,
            "issuedStatus": "PENDING",
            "issuedDate": null,
            "customerFirstName": null,
            "customerLastName": null,
            "customerPhoneNumber1": null,
            "customerPhoneNumber2": null,
            "customerEmail": null,
            "taxReceiptRequest": null,
            "taxCompanyName": null,
            "taxAddress1": null,
            "taxAddress2": null,
            "taxNumber": null,
            "paymentBy": null,
            "paymentByCode": null,
            "issuedByCode": null,
            "refundBy": null,
            "refundByCode": null,
            "bookBy": "GUEST",
            "bookByCode": "C::A::1|-1",
            "displayPriceInfo": {
            "bookingNumber": "ADCO2107201223969",
            "baseFare": 2638000,
            "equivFare": 0,
            "serviceTax": 701800,
            "totalFare": 3339800,
            "totalTax": 701800,
            "agencyMarkupValue": 0,
            "markupValue": 0,
            "totalSsrValue": 0,
            "cancellationFee": 0,
            "paymentFee": 0,
            "discountAmount": 0,
            "additionalFee": 0,
            "additionalTaxPerTraveler": 0,
            "vat": null
            "transactionInfos": [
                "id": 1224043,
                "saleChannel": "B2C_WEB",
                "channelType": "ONLINE",
                "supplierType": "AIR",
                "bookingCode": "ADCO2107201223969::HAN-SGN::domd879a3f6-f3cb-40d6-8e95-52dd0a7d47a5",
                "bookingNumber": "ADCO2107201223969",
                "status": "PENDING",
                "bookingDate": "2021-07-20T07:11:49.52Z",
                "supplierCode": "VJ",
                "supplierName": "Vietjet Air",
                "bookingRefNo": null,
                "passengerNameRecord": null,
                "timeToLive": null,
                "signature": null,
                "detail": "HAN-SGN :: VJ 135",
                "originLocationCode": "HAN",
                "destinationLocationCode": "SGN",
                "carrierNo": "135",
                "checkIn": "2021-08-16T07:20:00Z",
                "checkOut": "2021-08-16T05:10:00Z",
                "baseFare": 1319000,
                "equivFare": 0,
                "serviceTax": 350900,
                "totalFare": 1669900,
                "totalTax": 350900,
                "agencyMarkupValue": 0,
                "markupValue": null,
                "totalSsrValue": 0,
                "markupKey": "F2C|A::1|A|DOME|BAS|VIETJET|ECONOMY|-1",
                "markupCode": null,
                "markupFormula": null,
                "paymentAmount": null,
                "issuedStatus": "PENDING",
                "issuedDate": null,
                "etickets": null,
                "listETickets": null,
                "productSeqNumber": "ibe4754299335928434",
                "productClass": "ECONOMY",
                "bookingDirection": "DEPARTURE",
                "noAdult": 1,
                "noChild": 0,
                "noInfant": 0,
                "b2cBasePrice": 0,
                "b2cTaxAndFees": 0,
                "adjustNet": 0,
                "adjustContract": 0,
                "b2cTotalPrice": 0,
                "supplierBookingStatus": "PENDING",
                "supplierPaymentStatus": null,
                "onlyPayLater": false,
                "allowHold": true,
                "refundable": false
                "id": 1224044,
                "saleChannel": "B2C_WEB",
                "channelType": "ONLINE",
                "supplierType": "AIR",
                "bookingCode": "ADCO2107201223969::SGN-HAN::dom389dca01-c0fd-466b-8a98-daaa4d5a06d4",
                "bookingNumber": "ADCO2107201223969",
                "status": "PENDING",
                "bookingDate": "2021-07-20T07:11:49.52Z",
                "supplierCode": "VJ",
                "supplierName": "Vietjet Air",
                "bookingRefNo": null,
                "passengerNameRecord": null,
                "timeToLive": null,
                "signature": null,
                "detail": "SGN-HAN :: VJ 176",
                "originLocationCode": "SGN",
                "destinationLocationCode": "HAN",
                "carrierNo": "176",
                "checkIn": "2021-08-24T07:35:00Z",
                "checkOut": "2021-08-24T05:25:00Z",
                "baseFare": 1319000,
                "equivFare": 0,
                "serviceTax": 350900,
                "totalFare": 1669900,
                "totalTax": 350900,
                "agencyMarkupValue": 0,
                "markupValue": null,
                "totalSsrValue": 0,
                "markupKey": "F2C|A::1|A|DOME|BAS|VIETJET|ECONOMY|-1",
                "markupCode": null,
                "markupFormula": null,
                "paymentAmount": null,
                "issuedStatus": "PENDING",
                "issuedDate": null,
                "etickets": null,
                "listETickets": null,
                "productSeqNumber": "ibe4754299329767108",
                "productClass": "ECONOMY",
                "bookingDirection": "RETURN",
                "noAdult": 1,
                "noChild": 0,
                "noInfant": 0,
                "b2cBasePrice": 0,
                "b2cTaxAndFees": 0,
                "adjustNet": 0,
                "adjustContract": 0,
                "b2cTotalPrice": 0,
                "supplierBookingStatus": "PENDING",
                "supplierPaymentStatus": null,
                "onlyPayLater": false,
                "allowHold": true,
                "refundable": false
            "agencyMarkupInfos": [
                "agencyCode": "A::1",
                "baseFare": 2638000,
                "equivFare": 0,
                "serviceTax": 701800,
                "totalFare": 3339800,
                "totalTax": 701800,
                "markupValue": 0,
                "agencyMarkupValue": 0
            "contactInfos": [],
            "travelerInfos": [],
            "timeToLive": null,
            "supplierBookingStatus": "PENDING",
            "passengerNameRecords": "",
            "etickets": "",
            "cancellationFee": 0,
            "cancellationNotes": null,
            "cancellationBy": null,
            "cancellationDate": null,
            "discountAmount": 0,
            "discountVoucherCode": null,
            "discountVoucherName": null,
            "discountRedeemId": null,
            "discountRedeemCode": null,
            "discountDate": null,
            "additionalFee": null,
            "taxPersonalInfoContact": null,
            "bookingNote": null,
            "internalBookingNote": null,
            "promotionID": null,
            "reasonCodePaymentFailed": null,
            "bookingFinalStatus": null,
            "bookingIssuedType": null,
            "deleted": null,
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