Payment API

Voucher validation API

GET: /api/payments/voucher/validate

Validate voucher for specific booking

Request Body


    "bookingNumber": "ADCO2203011523483",
    "voucherCode": "AXOLXHLp"



    "isSuccess": true,
    "duration": 3896,
    "textMessage": null,
    "errors": null,
    "infos": null,
    "bookingNumber": "ADCO2203011523483",
    "voucherCode": "AXOLXHLp",
    "voucherValid": true,
    "trackingCode": "track_xbhwiFai1HNQNCQLe2PmvdxJu/rd5zEG7NGuvjHI5CY=",
    "discountAmount": 1000,
    "percentOff": null,
    "type": "AMOUNT",
    "success": true

Voucher usage confirmation API

GET: /api/payments/voucher/redeem

Redeem voucher for specific booking

Request Body


    "bookingNumber": "ADCO2203011523483",
    "trackingCode": "track_xbhwiFai1HNQNCQLe2PmvdxJu/rd5zEG7NGuvjHI5CY="
    "voucherCode": "AXOLXHLp"



        "isSuccess": true,
        "duration": 6508,
        "textMessage": null,
        "errors": null,
        "infos": null,
        "voucherCode": "gtd_fpt_test",
        "bookingNumber": "ADCO2203101541927",
        "redeemValid": true,
        "success": true

Booking Payment Request API

GET: /api/partner/place-order

Request payment booking - initiate payment order


  • Security requirements: Encrypt data and include a digital signature

  • Request: Does not require encryption and includes a digital signature

  • Response: Part of the response data is required to be encrypted and accompanied by a digital signature


- bookingNumber `query` (string, required),

    !!! quote ""

        Reference code to booking


  • result (String, optional),

    Information returned in the format:

    *Signature data schema:*
    *Original data schema:*
    - access_code (String, required)
        !!! quote ""
            Access code provided by Gotadi to Partners.
    - bookingNumber (String, optional)
        !!! quote ""
            Code used to refer to booking
    - product_type (String, optional)
        !!! quote ""
            Type of product, whose value is AIR or HOTEL corresponding to the type of product purchased
    - total_amount (String, optional)
        !!! quote ""
            Total payment amount
    - payment_url (String, required)
        !!! quote ""
            URL navigate to payment page
    - encrypted_key (String, required)
        !!! quote ""
            Key decrypts (encrypted) data. How to decrypt refer to the section: Encryption of transmission data and digital signature authentication
    - encrypted_data (String, required)
        !!! quote ""
            Data with digital signature (encrypted). How to decrypt refer to the section: Encryption of transmission data and digital signature authentication
  • duration (integer, optional),

  • errors (Array[Error], optional),

  • infos (Array[Info], optional),

  • success (boolean, optional),

  • textMessage (string, optional)

Payment Recording and Booking Commit API

POST: /api/partner/commit

Yêu cầu commit booking được cập nhật đầy đủ thông tin và hoàn tất thanh toán

Chú ý

  • Security requirements: Encrypt data and include a digital signature

  • Request: Does not require encryption and includes a digital signature

  • Response: Part of the response data is required to be encrypted and accompanied by a digital signature

Request Body


  • key (string, required),

    Data decrypted key. How to decrypt refer to the section: Encryption of transmission data and digital signature authentication

  • data (string, required),

    Data with digital signature (encrypted). How to decrypt refer to the section: Encryption of transmission data and digital signature authentication

    Signature data schema:


    Original data schema:

    • access_code (String, required)

      Access code provided by Gotadi to Partners.

    • bookingNumber (String, required)

      Code used to refer to booking

    • partner_trans_id (String, optional)

      Partner transaction identifier. If the partner does not pass a value to this field, the default value will be assigned using booking_number

    • product_type (String, required)

      Type of product, whose value is AIR or HOTEL corresponding to the type of product purchased




  • key (String, required)

    Data decrypted key. How to decrypt refer to the section: Encryption of transmission data and digital signature authentication

  • data (String, required)

    Data with digital signature (encrypted). How to decrypt refer to the section: Encryption of transmission data and digital signature authentication

    Signature data schema:


    Original data schema:

    • access_code (String, required)

      Access code provided by Gotadi to Partners.

    • booking_number (String, required)

      Code used to refer to booking

    • error_code (String, required)

      Error code

    • product_type (String, optional)

      Type of product, whose value is AIR or HOTEL corresponding to the type of product purchased

    • properties (String, optional)

    • return_url (String, optional)

    • total_amount (Double, required)

PreviousAPIs for BookNextAboutMade with Material for MkDoc

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