Payment API

Voucher validation API

GET: /api/payments/voucher/validate

Validate voucher for specific booking

Request Body


bookingNumber (String, Required)

Booking Identifier

voucherCode (String, Required)

Voucher code


    "bookingNumber": "ADCO2203011523483",
    "voucherCode": "AXOLXHLp"



bookingNumber (String)

Booking identifier

discountAmount (Double)

Discount money amount

trackingCode (String)

Identifier for booking with voucher

voucherCode (String)

Voucher code

voucherValid (Boolean)

Is valid voucher code?

duration (Integer, Optional)

errors (Array[Error], Optional)

infos (Array[Info], Optional)

success (Boolean, Optional)

textMessage (String, Optional)


    "isSuccess": true,
    "duration": 3896,
    "textMessage": null,
    "errors": null,
    "infos": null,
    "bookingNumber": "ADCO2203011523483",
    "voucherCode": "AXOLXHLp",
    "voucherValid": true,
    "trackingCode": "track_xbhwiFai1HNQNCQLe2PmvdxJu/rd5zEG7NGuvjHI5CY=",
    "discountAmount": 1000,
    "percentOff": null,
    "type": "AMOUNT",
    "success": true

Voucher usage confirmation API

GET: /api/payments/voucher/redeem

Redeem voucher for specific booking

Request Body


bookingNumber (String, Required)

Booking identifier

voucherCode (String, Required)

Voucher code

trackingCode (String, Required)

Tracking code used in api validate


    "bookingNumber": "ADCO2203011523483",
    "trackingCode": "track_xbhwiFai1HNQNCQLe2PmvdxJu/rd5zEG7NGuvjHI5CY="
    "voucherCode": "AXOLXHLp"



bookingNumber (String)

Booking identifier

redeemValid (Boolean)

Confirmation of success using Voucher

voucherCode (String)

Voucher code

duration (Integer, Optional)

errors (Array[Error], Optional)

infos (Array[Info], Optional)

success (Boolean, Optional)

textMessage (String, Optional)


        "isSuccess": true,
        "duration": 6508,
        "textMessage": null,
        "errors": null,
        "infos": null,
        "voucherCode": "gtd_fpt_test",
        "bookingNumber": "ADCO2203101541927",
        "redeemValid": true,
        "success": true

Booking Payment Request API

GET: /api/partner/place-order

Request payment booking - initiate payment order


  • Security requirements: Encrypt data and include a digital signature

  • Request: Does not require encryption and includes a digital signature

  • Response: Part of the response data is required to be encrypted and accompanied by a digital signature



bookingNumber query (string, required),

Reference code to booking

- bookingNumber `query` (string, required),

    !!! quote ""

        Reference code to booking


  • result (String, optional),

    Information returned in the format:

    *Signature data schema:*
    *Original data schema:*
    - access_code (String, required)
        !!! quote ""
            Access code provided by Gotadi to Partners.
    - bookingNumber (String, optional)
        !!! quote ""
            Code used to refer to booking
    - product_type (String, optional)
        !!! quote ""
            Type of product, whose value is AIR or HOTEL corresponding to the type of product purchased
    - total_amount (String, optional)
        !!! quote ""
            Total payment amount
    - payment_url (String, required)
        !!! quote ""
            URL navigate to payment page
    - encrypted_key (String, required)
        !!! quote ""
            Key decrypts (encrypted) data. How to decrypt refer to the section: Encryption of transmission data and digital signature authentication
    - encrypted_data (String, required)
        !!! quote ""
            Data with digital signature (encrypted). How to decrypt refer to the section: Encryption of transmission data and digital signature authentication
  • duration (integer, optional),

  • errors (Array[Error], optional),

  • infos (Array[Info], optional),

  • success (boolean, optional),

  • textMessage (string, optional)

Payment Recording and Booking Commit API

POST: /api/partner/commit

Yêu cầu commit booking được cập nhật đầy đủ thông tin và hoàn tất thanh toán

Chú ý

  • Security requirements: Encrypt data and include a digital signature

  • Request: Does not require encryption and includes a digital signature

  • Response: Part of the response data is required to be encrypted and accompanied by a digital signature

Request Body


  • key (string, required),

    Data decrypted key. How to decrypt refer to the section: Encryption of transmission data and digital signature authentication

  • data (string, required),

    Data with digital signature (encrypted). How to decrypt refer to the section: Encryption of transmission data and digital signature authentication

    Signature data schema:


    Original data schema:

    • access_code (String, required)

      Access code provided by Gotadi to Partners.

    • bookingNumber (String, required)

      Code used to refer to booking

    • partner_trans_id (String, optional)

      Partner transaction identifier. If the partner does not pass a value to this field, the default value will be assigned using booking_number

    • product_type (String, required)

      Type of product, whose value is AIR or HOTEL corresponding to the type of product purchased




  • key (String, required)

    Data decrypted key. How to decrypt refer to the section: Encryption of transmission data and digital signature authentication

  • data (String, required)

    Data with digital signature (encrypted). How to decrypt refer to the section: Encryption of transmission data and digital signature authentication

    Signature data schema:


    Original data schema:

    • access_code (String, required)

      Access code provided by Gotadi to Partners.

    • booking_number (String, required)

      Code used to refer to booking

    • error_code (String, required)

      Error code

    • product_type (String, optional)

      Type of product, whose value is AIR or HOTEL corresponding to the type of product purchased

    • properties (String, optional)

    • return_url (String, optional)

    • total_amount (Double, required)

PreviousAPIs for BookNextAboutMade with Material for MkDoc

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